Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Zac Efron recently opened up to M magazine about being in high school and not fitting in…
Hey Z, so tell M readers about this fame thing. In high school, did you ever think your life would be like this?
“All through HS, I was actually seen as really nerdy. It had to do with the fact I was acting in community theater. My parents were supportive, but my classmates, and even some friends, didn’t always get it. I was going against the HS grain.”
Well, you’re def part of the “in crowd” now! How did you get over feeling like an outsider? "You really just need to forget about what other people think and be you - even though it’s totally hard. I finally realized people will accept me when I’m just myself. The type of friends you make when you’re being 100% “you” are true buds who are going to stick by you no matter what. The friends I have now that I also had back when I was in school, are the ones I made naturally when I wasn’t trying to be someone else.”
You’re out of HS finally! So what are some tough issues you deal with as a full-time actor?
“I do miss my family when I’m away shooting movies. My little brother and I talk on the phone a lot. Having a bro was something that I didn’t appreciate for a long time. But now I realize how lucky I am to have him in my life. It’s nice to know he’s always going to be there with me. Since I’m his older brother, he comes to me for advice all the time. I really like that. I’ve been there and can tell im the mistakes I’ve made, so he doesn’t screw up in the same way!”
Read more and see pics in the Jan/Feb issue of M