Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Here are too many SPOILERS of the HSM2 Movie.If you want to be surprised, do not read it. If you wanna know a little bit more about the read it in "Read More".IMPORTANT: It talks about Troy & Gabriella kiss and some stuff... so i repeat that if you dont want to know what will happen, just wait until HSM2 premieres!Scroll Down To Read ItIn THIS scene as you all know it's the last day of school. Everyone is in class and Ms. Darbus is like giving them a speech about summer or whatever. Basically, no one is paying attention. Everyone is like doing thier own thing. Sharpay is basically talking to Ryan and she sees he's not paying attention to her. He's just looking out the window. So she's like "Ryan!" and he just keeps looking out the window and he says "Is it me, or do those clouds look like Jessica Simpson?- Jealousy Scene 1: Gabriella sees Troy with his arms around Sharpay. But, don't get worried. He's just teaching her golf. Gabriella just ignores it. But she then sees Troy laughing at something that Sharpay said. Then, Troy moves closer to Sharpay to help her with her golf swing again. To Gaby, they looked very cozy.Scene 2: Ryan and Gaby are by the pool and Ryan is basically like showing her a dance move or something. So, him and Gaby are basically dancing together. And just as Ryan is doing a dance move he bumps right into Troy. Of course, Troy is sort of upset because he saw Gaby and Ryan dancing.-The Kiss Alright. So far from what I've read. There are 3 times when Troy and Gaby TRY to kiss.1st Time: At school. Which we all saw on E! News. They get interrupted by someone who wants to get thier yearbook signed by Troy.2nd Time: They are on the golf course at thier picnic. They start, I guess, slow dancing and they are about to kiss when the sprinklers turn on. And guess who turned them on? Yes, Sharpay. She was watching them along with Ryan through her binoculars.3rd Time: Troy and Gaby jump into the pool with thier clothes on at night. They moolight and shining and it's the perfect moment. But, when they lean in the club's manager Mr.Fulton finds them. And they get in trouble for being in the pool at night. Well, Gaby is the one who get's in trouble.The Aftermath: Ok. The truth is Troy and Gaby DO kiss. But, you're gonna have to wait all the way until the end of the movie! They kiss during the scene where everyone is on the golfcourse holding those lanturns or whatever. Then the sprinklers turn on and everyone runs to get wet. But, they stay behind and they share a tender kiss
Credit goes to Disney Media Mania
Credit goes to Disney Media Mania
posted by Katelyn at 9:05 PM | 0 comments